Depending on the size of your building and the number of occupants, annual rates usually fall in the $100 to $300 per year range. It is an excellent bargain and ensures you have a voice in the quickly expanding Clayton condo building “boom” we are currently experiencing!
Use the form below to tell us about your building’s interest in joining the CCBA. Our only requirement is that your condo building falls within the 63105 Clayton ZIP Code. We will respond to your application and let you know the process for joining and attending CCBA meetings.
You may also email us. Our general response time is one or two business days.
➤ Contact
➤ Board Officers
Brian Kinman
President | The Crescent
Frank Schoonyoung
Vice President | The Claytonian
Paul Morrison
Secretary/Treasurer | The Villas of Clayton Gardens
Use this form to join the CCBA. Please be as detailed as possible. You may also email us at anytime. Thank you!