Presidents Desk

News & Events

Bemiston Place Project Receives Approval

This is an update to our posting on September 14, 2020 concerning a residential and retail project called Bemiston Place to be located between Bemiston, Central and Maryland. Since the public conceptual review presentation, the developer appeared before the city PC/ARB committee three times to review and debate the plans for this project. The standard review process includes rezoning, site plan and architectural reviews.

The scope of the project remained relatively unchanged during this process, including the preservation of the Shanley building located at the NE corner of Bemiston and Maryalnd, but the facade of the residential building was modified based on comments from the committee. Comments from the public were nearly all positive.

The PC/ARB concluded their review December 21 and voted unanimously to approve the project. The following night the Board of Aldermen also unanimously approved the project. Construction is scheduled to start in February 2022 with completion in 2024. We recommend you visit the following website to see the virtual tour of the building:

On September 14, 2020 we hosted a Zoom Call for residents and business owners in Clayton. Based on amazing feedback we received during that meeting, the Concept has been updated!

Dick Goldberg