Presidents Desk

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Forsyth Point Project at Forsyth & Meramec

The City’s Plan Commission & Architectural Review Board met May 17, 2021. The agenda included a public hearing to review a request by the developer to consolidate seven lots along Forsyth & Meramec into two lots.

This is the site of the Forsyth Pointe project: construction of two office towers connected by a parking garage. The project was previously approved last year. As you can see from the picture the construction of the building is well underway.

The City’s Planning Department recommended the requested lot consolidation. There were no public comments. The PC/ARB approved the measure. It will be reviewed by the Board of Aldermen for final approval at a future meeting.

Corner of Forsyth and Meramec in Clayton, MO

Corner of Forsyth and Meramec in Clayton, MO

John Edwards