Presidents Desk

News & Events

Highlights from Q1 2020 CCBA Membership Meeting


As a welcome to the third decade of the 21stCentury, I am pleased to announce that the next CCBA Full Membership Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 7 pm at the Center of Clayton. As you may recall, Your CCBA Board of Directors established two new strategic objectives this year. The first involves the re-evaluation and improvement of the formal Clayton Major Development Planning and Approval Process. The second involves working to improve the economic vibrancy of downtown Clayton.

Since our last Membership Meeting in October, we have formalized our recommendations for improving transparency and capturing and communicating Citizen input regarding the Clayton Major Development Planning and Approval Process. These recommendations have now been delivered to the Mayor for discussion and refinement. I am pleased to report that the Mayor’s initial reaction was very positive.

Our second initiative, Improving the Economic Vibrancy of Downtown Clayton, is the subject of the January 16 Membership Meeting. To that end, we have invited our Mayor, Michelle Harris, and the Economic Developer of the Clayton Department of Economic Development, Gary Carter, to speak to us during this upcoming meeting. Specifically, we would like the Mayor and Mr. Carter to discuss what economic vibrancy means to the City and the nature of plans currently in place to achieve such vibrancy. We also want this to be an opportunity for the City to hear from the CCBA about the views and concerns of the Citizens who live here and support improvement to the current economic climate.

The meeting will include opening remarks from both Mayor Harris and Mr. Carter to be followed by a Q&A session where we expect you, our members, will give voice to not only your questions but also your opinions. We expect this will be a lively must see dialogue and we encourage each of you to share this note with your Condo Neighbors while encouraging each of them to attend.

As usual our meeting will begin at 7 pm with a quick overview of business activities undertaken by your Board of Directors on your behalf to be followed at 7:30 with a presentation by our two guests followed by Q&A. I look forward to seeing you on January 16th.

Thank you for your attention and as always please reach out with any questions.

On behalf of your CCBA Board of Directors, I would like to wish you and your families a peaceful and wonderful Holiday Season.

 Brian Kinman, CCBA President