Presidents Desk

News & Events

2Q 2020 CCBA Membership Meeting + Meet the Candidates


I am pleased to announce that the CCBA will once again be hosting a “Meet the Candidates” evening for owners in CCBA Member Buildings. We have held such meetings over each of the last two election cycles and received very positive feedback from both our membership as well as the candidates for public office in Clayton. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 7 pm at the Center of Clayton, 50 Gay Avenue, Clayton, MO.

We plan on having candidates for both Clayton Aldermanic and Clayton School Board positions present their qualifications to you and answer your questions. Because this involves up to 10 candidates we will start with Aldermanic Candidates who will discuss their qualifications as well as the key issues impacting Clayton on which they are focused. Followed by the School Board Candidates following a similar format. We will allow time for Q&A from the audience for each group. We plan on concluding the meeting at the usual time of 8:30 pm.

We expect this will be a lively must see meeting and we encourage each of you to share this note with your Condo Neighbors while encouraging each of them to attend. 

Because of the number of candidates to be heard from, we will dispense with our usual overview of business activities undertaken by your CCBA Board of Directors on your behalf and move directly to the introduction of candidates so please be prompt with your attendance. I look forward to seeing you on April 2nd.

Thank you for your attention and as always please reach out with any questions. 

 Brian Kinman, CCBA President

Dick Goldberg