Presidents Desk

News & Events

Information Sources on the Coronavirus

Board Members of CCBA Member Buildings,

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak has created a significant level of angst in our community. Many of our fellow condo owners are seeking information about the virus and actions that are being taken to protect our citizens.

In our role of sharing information between the 16 member condominium buildings within Clayton, the Clayton Condominium Building Association (CCBA) thought it was important to remind everyone, that if you have not done so already, your building should give thought to a communication for your residents on the subject of COVID-19.

I have attached two one page documents developed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The first is “What to do if you are sick with Coronavirus disease 2019” and the second “What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019” These attachments can be easily shared and/ or printed as deemed necessary.

Up to date information and guidance about COVID-19 can be found on the CDC website:

Additionally, the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services is maintaining the following website with timely information and guidance documents:

It is best to direct your residents to websites like these for the most up to date information in regards to COVID-19.

Please stay healthy,

Brian Kinman, CCBA President

Dick Goldberg