Presidents Desk

News & Events

Establishing a CCBA Member Building Advisory Committee

To the Boards of Trustees of CCBA Member Buildings,

This is a follow up note to my July 3, 2019 note to each of the Trustees of the CCBA Member Buildings. The CCBA Board would like to establish a CCBA Member Building Advisory Committee. We had asked each Member Building Board to appoint one member to this Committee. We have had ½ of our buildings respond but I realize I sent the original request just at the start of vacation season and many of our Members’ Boards have not convened a meeting over the summer. Thus, I am sending this second request.

The purpose of this Advisory Committee is to increase the transfer of knowledge between the CCBA and all CCBA members and ensure the CCBA Board understands the specific views and needs of its membership. The committee will include one representative from each Member Building Board and will meet quarterly following the last CCBA board meeting of each quarter. 

The agenda will cover topics in each of the following categories:

  • Update on current CCBA initiatives,

  • Identification and discussion of best practices within each building,

  • Input from member buildings on member needs and suggestions.

The intention is that the appointed members then take back their notes from each meeting to share with the Member Building Board and all owners as appropriate.

We ask each board to select its representative for the Member Building Advisory Committee and to communicate the name, email and phone number to Paul Morrison, CCBA Treasurer at by October 15, 2019.

Should you have any questions please reach out to me at In addition, I want to announce that we will be holding our next CCBA Full Membership Meeting on Thursday, October 17 starting at 7 pm at the Center of Clayton. We will be focusing on key issues impacting downtown Clayton including: Economic vibrancy, a movement to improve the Clayton Development Approval Process and the need for an updated Downtown Clayton Master Plan. Mayor Michelle Harris and Ellen Gale, Executive Director of the Clayton Chamber of Commerce will be our guest speakers. More will be coming on this over the next few weeks. Also, please note our CCBA Website is up and running and can be found at I hope you will check it out.

 Best personal regards,

 Brian Kinman, CCBA President

Dick Goldberg