Presidents Desk

News & Events

Highlights from 2Q 2019 CCBA Membership Meeting


The CCBA held its second quarter 2019 Member Meeting on June 27, 2019 at the Center of Clayton. Steve Lichtenfeld, Chairman of the City of Clayton Planning Commission and the Architectural Review Board and Susan Istenes, Director of Planning for the City of Clayton were our guest speakers.

Following the CCBA business portion of the meeting, Steve and Susan made a presentation to the audience describing the planning and approval processes used within the City of Clayton. Susan provided a handout that describes the process. This handout is available on the City of Clayton website and I have attached a copy to the email delivering this message.

We learned from the meeting that the rules being followed by the City are based on State Law except in certain instances when the City has established protocols beyond but inclusive of the concepts in State Law. There was a lot of discussion about notification to residents of pending development applications.

Paper notices regarding hearings for pending applications are sent to all residences within 200 feet of the project in accordance with State Law. However, the City has established a “notification by email” process for all citizens. You may go to the City of Clayton website at and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find a link to register for automatic email updates regarding upcoming Planning Commission and ARB meetings. I highly encourage all CCBA members to register for this so you may be alerted to pending development applications that may impact your life.

Our attending members asked many excellent questions that evening. One area of key focus was about how citizens may have more input into the development planning approval process for large scale developments vs local neighborhood home approvals. Steve and Susan pointed out that all citizens are invited to speak to the Planning Commission and ARB during meetings when they are considering development applications. In addition, it was pointed out that written communications regarding citizen views of project plans will also be accepted and considered.

The questions and comments migrated to how citizens can have more time to evaluate projects, particularly those that involve reading complex architectural plans as well as be allowed enough time to speak to the Commission and ARB about concerns.

We learned that the City is considering a rule change requiring large developments to hold meetings with local citizens before applications for final approval are submitted for approval. These meeting will allow the developer to understand citizen related issues and accept input as well as allow the citizens a chance to delve deeper into the details of each project. The attendees applauded this intended change.  

In summary your CCBA Board concluded that the City is very interested in having everyone treated fairly and given a chance to speak. We understand that current procedures are governed by established State laws and local rules. There is an opportunity to cause change to these protocols and the CCBA intends to follow up with Mayor Harris to pursue development of a committee to refine the Development Application and Approval Process such that citizens have an 

Improved opportunity to understand the details and ramifications of proposed developments as well as to influence the ultimate outcomes. In addition, we learned that the City is considering updating the Downtown Master Plan and this update will allow for citizen input. We would encourage our membership to be available to participate in the updating of the Master Plan when the process is initiated. Your CCBA Board will keep you apprised of progress in updating the development approval process rules as we go. 

Thanks to all those that did attend and for everyone as always please reach out with any questions.

Best personal regards, 

Brian Kinman, CCBA President

Click to review the Clayton Planning and Zoning Process